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198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000

Logistic app

Client: Circlon GmbH

Activity: Maintenance of the Hermes Einrichtungs Service Logistik App, new development

Period: June 2020 – September 2021


  • Maintenance of the existing hybrid app.
  • Bug fixing.
  • Development of native Cordova plugins.
  • New development of payment feature.
  • Concept for new development of logistics app.
  • Requirements gathering.
  • Architecture.
  • Development of new server functions.

Languages/frameworks/tools used:

  • .Net Framework
  • Android.
  • MYSQL.
  • Git.
  • Cordova.
  • Teamcity.
  • Angular/AngularJS.
  • JS.
  • HTML
  • REST


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